

被 a professional doesn't necessarily require wearing a suit or having an advanced 学位. 根据美国.S. 劳动部,作为一个专业的手段进行 让自己有责任心、正直、负责、卓越. 此外, it means communicating appropriately and always finding ways to be productive. It is essential to keep these ideas in mind both in your role as an employee and as a 学生.


Looking at your phone while someone is speaking to you is rude and unprofessional. 让说话者知道你在听他们说话. 轮到你发言的时候,确保 你所说的是适合个人和情况的. 如果你在 workplace, in an interview or at an event where you don't know many people, it's probably best to leave politics, religion and very personal information out of the conversation.


求职时,第一印象至关重要. 在你说一个字之前 interviewer you will have already made an impression based on how you're dressed. That is why it is important to pay attention to how you dress for an interview. 通常情况下, how much you dress up will be determined by the type of job you are applying for, 但一个好的经验法则是穿得多一点,而不是少一点. 穿着要保守 不要穿太紧、太亮、太短或太薄的衣服.



  • 清洁和抛光的保守正装鞋
  • 整洁的发型
  • 清洁和修剪指甲
  • 少量古龙水或香水
  • 没有明显的面部和身体穿孔
  • 刷牙干净,口气清新
  • 不要把口香糖、糖果或其他东西含在嘴里
  • 最小的珠宝
  • 没有体味
  • 把衬衫塞进去
  • no odors on clothes; don't smell like smoke
  • 保守的颜色和印花
  • 熨衣服
  • 妆容简约自然
  • clean shaved; if you have a beard make sure it is neat and trimmed.


The interview is one of the most critical pieces of the job search, typically being 招聘最重要的标准. 当雇主评估你的资历时, 个性和能力,你评估的是机会和公司. 因此,了解 the purpose is the first step in being prepared and handling the interview with confidence.


